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Alfred's Basic Piano Library All-in-One Course Book 2

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This All-in-One Piano Course was written in response to many requests by piano teachers for just one all encompassing teaching book, that would include Lesson, Theory, and Solo material. By combining all the Lesson Books of Levels 1A and 1B of Alfred's Basic Piano Library into three consecutive books (Books 1,2,3) that also include selected pages from the Theory, Recital and Fun Books, a new course has been developed that offers several advantages:


1. The student will need to perform from only one book. The need to carry multiple books to each lesson is eliminated.


2. Teacher assignments will be simplified, as the Lesson, Theory and Solo material are all combined in perfect sequence.


3. While less supplementary material is included than if the Theory, Recital and Fun Books were used individually, the same "overlapping concepts" used in the regular edition of Alfred's Basic Piano Library is continued.


4. At the completion of book 3 of the All-in-One Course, the student will have completed all of the fundamentals covered in levels 1A and 1B and will be ready to continue into level 2 of Alred's Basic Piano Library.